Friday, December 31, 2010

Auld Lang Syne: Hello 2011

"For auld lang syne, my dear,
for auld lang syne,
we'll take a cup of kindness yet,
for auld lang syne."

Out with the old, in with the new. A lot is going to stay the same 2011, and a lot more is going to change. For me at least.

I'm going to start my life as a Navy wife (rhyme unintentional, but smiled upon). I only have 18 days until Jake leaves for boot camp. That's crazy. A while back I was thinking that it couldn't come soon enough, because I was ready to start a new chapter. Today, I can say that I'm getting nervous and antsy. Eighteen days just isn't that many. Don't get me wrong, I am so ready to start off fresh... I just don't know how I'll handle this Navy business yet.

On a good note, only 7 days until our one year anniversary! 2010 has been a great year in itself, all because I was lucky enough to marry the love of my life. This reminds me that I need to get cracking on Jake's gift. Shhhh.

I mentioned in a previous rambling that I had an idea for my NYE post. And I'm sure it's expected: Goals. Some are very unoriginal, but they are some goals I really want to stick to. Here's to hoping!

o      Lose some weight/get in shape by the time Jake gets home from boot camp!
o      Lean how to sew using patterns! ((Make my own clothes!)).
o      Fit into skinny jeans.
o      Stop eating out ((once a week at the most)).
o      Finish my story or start a new one.
o      Take pretty pictures.

Lose some weight/get in shape by the time Jake gets home from boot camp!/Fit into skinny jeans.

1 and 3 kind of go hand in hand, but I have to finish #1 before I can even dream about making #3 a reality. I have 2
months, and possibly a little longer to achieve my 1st goal. My mom and I have made plans to workout together at least 3
times a week. We're making it a competition :-)

Lean how to sew using patterns! ((Make my own clothes!)).

As for goal #2... I really love to shop and get new clothes. ModCloth has become one of my favorite clothing stores,
because they have so many different and original dresses/outfits. But they are so expensive! I want to be able to make my
own stuff. I already know how to sew. I just need to learn to use patterns.

 Stop eating out ((once a week at the most)).

We spend way too much money eating out. It will be less, when Jake leaves, but still... it's a waste of money and it conflicts
with goals 1 and 3.

 Finish my story or start a new one.

A couple of years ago I started a story on MySpace. It wasn't very good, but it was a creative outlet. I love to read, and
writing my own story felt awesome. I want to get back into that, even if no one will ever read it.

Take pretty pictures.

Another creative outlet... photography. I am no professional by any means, but taking pretty pictures makes me happy. I
get inspired by flickr and wish that I could take pictures half as good as some of the photographers on there. Practice can't

I could add to this list, but then I'd have to think, and right now I have a headache from hell.
I've been sick since the 23rd, as you know. But the day before yesterday it went from the sniffles to stomach bug. I even
had to call off of work today. That was the first time in over a year. I'm feeling a little better now, and I seem to be keeping
everything down... so that's good news. I hope tomorrow I feel completely better, because I have to open. Hopefully it won't
be too busy, being a holiday and all.

Well, adieu to you and to this year. Happy 2011!


Monday, December 27, 2010

Un conte de Noël

((I love google translate, it's fun))

Well, I'm still sick, but that hasn't stopped me from having a good vacation and a great Christmas
Besides it's just congestion and some sniffles. I think I'll live... if my nose doesn't fall off.

Let's start with the 23rd. Jake and I cleaned the apartment and it surprisingly looked amazing! Note the looked... because it's becoming messy again >.<  It pretty much took us up until 30 minutes before Nathan and Tammie came over. While we were cleaning we got a package. We hadn't ordered anything so we were clueless as to what it was. Turns out, Jake's grandparents ((the ones that I haven't met, because they live on the east coast)) sent us a tin full of homemade cookies and peanut butter balls and candy! It was so nice of them :-)
Anyway, dinner turned out well.. we chatted it up. Then we watched Scott Pilgrim, and then they went home. Apparently, they liked the movie so much they bought it the next day. Score!

On Christmas Eve, we went to Jake's parent's house to have dinner and play games.  Aaron and Athena were there with Ry-guy and Emi! I love my niece and nephew <3 It was a good dinner and all we played was aggravation. Three... long... rounds. Ugh, that games really lives up to it's name. Especially playing with the Privett men. My father-in-law isn't so bad, but my hubby and his brother are evil. Suffice it to say, guys won 2 out of 3, but I was just happy to be done! After that we went home, and I think Jake and I might of watched Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist before bed.

Christmas Day was good. We went back to my in-law's to open presents! Jake and I got a gift card to spend from his rents and Aaron and Athena got me some cute, peppermint smelling socks AND... dun dun dun duhhhhh! Apples to Apples! We spend the afternoon playing that with everyone :-) Love that game! The Jake and Aaron went to see Tron after lunch, and a little while after that Athena and I went to see Black Swan. Woah! It's a mind fucker ((excuse my french). Natalie Portman is brilliant, and so is Mila Kunis. The ENTIRE movie is brilliant in fact, just realllllyyy messed up and confusing. At the end, you still only partially know what went on. I have a new love for Vincent Cassel as well as ballet. I've always wanted to do ballet though. One of my friends on facebook had this as her status... it prefectly sums up Black Swan:
"Black Swan was beautiful and deeply disturbing. Also, Natalie Portman's clit must be sore. Too graphic?"
Hahaha. So true. But wait! There's more! After a couple of comments this was said:
"Natalie Portman's clit deserves a slot (pun totally intended) on the credits, it performed that much."
True yet again. But really, it was an awesome movie, that I intend to buy once it comes out on DVD. I think that if I watch it a couple more times I'll notice more and might be able to put some more pieces together.

Hoookayy, enough of that we went home after the movies and went to bed.

Yesterday, the 26th, Jake and I went to my parent's house for dinner and presents. Italian beef, mashed potatoes, and peas were consumed and enjoyed! There were also brussel sprouts, but those weren't enjoyed by all. Just me and my momma. We opened gifts. My dad's mom gave us each $50 and a goody bag of random items to share. I got Clinique Happy Heart :-) and Jake got a cute green polo and some non-geeky jeans from my parents. And they also got us both.... a Kinect! It's freaking cool, but I'll tell you more about that in a minute. We watched Knight and Day and SALT with them and then came home around 1:30am. We then played the Kinect before bed.

It's really cool, and creepy too. It moves, first of all. And it really does pick up your every move on the infrared and put it on the screen. Our Kinect came with a game, Kinect Adventures. It's kind of silly, but it really shows you how to use it. And one of the "adventures" really gave me a work out. The whole system literally has you moving all over, which is awesome. It also took pictures of us playing. That was unexpected, and sort of weird. And the pictures are ridiculous. But all in all I am in LOVE with it. My parents are awesome.

I think that this is probably long enough, and if anyone read the entire thing... pat yourself on the back.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxo <3

Here is a link to a trailer for Black Swan.

And Here is a link that shows how crazy/confusing Black Swan is.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

I'm Always Sick When I Get Vacation

Coming home from work last night started my vacation :-) No more work until next Wednesday.
And the best part? I'm still getting paid! Ohhh yeahhh!
The worst part? I think I'm getting sick >.<
Stuffy nose and scratchy throat, please go away!

After I finish this and get ready, I'm off to to store to pick up some echinacea and a big box of kleenex, among other things. Jake and I are having a couple of friends over for dinner and a movie ((Scott Pilgrim)) tonight, so I have to get stuff to make that.

Le Menu ((per hubby's request/suggestion))
Italian Chicken

I'm sure it'll be less boring than it looks on a screen. I'm also going to make dessert, but I don't know what yet.

We're definitely going to have to clean! It looks like a tornado blew through here! Literally, minus bits of rubble from the actual building.

Better get started. Wish us luck!

xoxoxoxoxoxoxo <3

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Times Be Changing

I did say that I had an idea for this post, but I figure it would go better with the New Year. I'm just winging it today. Although, I'm not really striving for anything in particular.

The hubbs and I were up until about 4am last night. I hardly ever stay up that late! If you know me, that means I slept in until at least noon :-)

We went to Target so we could buy Zoolander and so I could buy some new jeans for my fat ass. He ended up just dropping me off, and going to the recruiter's office to go over some stuff ((and apparently get an ass whooping in a game of chess)). It took me a while, but I found two pairs of jeans! And they were only $15 a piece! I decided to walk around the store while I waited for my ride. As I was about to check out I heard someone say my name. It was none other than.... Sarah Hannah! I always want to say 'Perry', but her last name is actually Lucas now.

Anywayssss... I hadn't seen her in such a long time and it was a great surprise! She looks so much like her beautiful mom! We chatted and caught up on life and such. I told her about moving to Charleston and she commented that Jake and I were actually ((these are not her exact words)) moving on to better things. I guess I've thought about it before, but not recently.  It's so exciting to think that, this time next year, we will be living in the south! On the coast for that matter! It's going to be lovely. During our conversation I happened to check the weather... 57 degrees. Ummmmm, yes please?! Sure beats Indiana weather. Not only will the location be a nice change, but I am *planning* on going back to school. We are going to get our great dane, Roger. And the most exciting part.... wait for it.... we're going to start having babies!!!  Not right away, but within the next year we are going to start trying.

Another thing I'm looking forward to is moving around the country, and possibly the world. Maybe I'll leave that for a later post, because there are so many places I want to visit.

I'm going to get back to my book, The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan. Hubby is forcing me to read it, but I'm not objecting after the excruciatingly boring prologue.

Thanks for listening [reading], even if this is just another boring blog.
xoxoxoxoxoxo <3

P.S. We never bought Zoolander. Walmart, Target, and Best Buy didn't have it :-(

How Many Blogs Can A Girl Have?

I'm not sure that I can recall a number, but this blog is one of many that I've had. Some were deleted, some forgotten about, and some I've lost interest in. There are some blogs that are too private for me to let the public eye see... and that's where this comes in.

I'm not really sure what I'll write about. Not that many people will care to read this anyway. I assume that it will mainly be updates on my life and such. Maybe daily, maybe not. Only time will tell.

So let's hop to it!

About meeeee! Chanel Marie.

  • I am currently 22 years young. 
  • I am married to a wonderful, and might I add gorgeous, smart, sexy, witty, etc, man named Jake. We've been married for about a year ((January 7th)). 
  • We don't have any children yet... unless you count our cat Dante... which I do.
  • I am a manager a Panera Bread, but hopefully not for too much longer.
  • Jake was a pharmacy tech, but Friday was his last day and now he's off for a month before he goes to Navy boot camp!
  • I love to read.
  • I love to sing, but do so badly.
  • According to some, I am the best dancer ever! But that's honestly a joke. However, what many don't know is that I'm actually really good at choreographed dances... ballet, hip hop, etc
  • I am a major procrastinator.
  • I aspire to do many things. 
I think I'll leave it at that for the night. I already have an idea of what my next blog will be about :-)

Want to know anything else about me? Leave me a comment.

xoxoxoxoxo <3